Bantam Cochin
Category: Pet/exhibition
Origin: China
size: Bantam, 24-30oz
Color: Isabel and partridge, feather feet
Egg-laying ability: Moderate-good
Broodiness: High
Winter Hardy: moderate
Heat tolerance: moderate
Foraging ability: Good
Toleration for confinement: Good
Temperament: friendly
Egg color: tinted
Egg Size: Small
Age of lay: 6+ months
Eggs/week: 2-4
Eggs/year: 150-200
Price /day old chicks: $15
Price/dozen Eggs: $85. Shipping Available with maritime bus same day.+$10 for packaging (bubble wrap). Shipping fee is on customer's spend.
About Our Flock
We have a mixed color bantam cochin flock: pure breed Isabel rooster, and isabel hens, and also some partridge hens. so we have some pure breed Isabel chicks and isabel partridge mixed. They are quebec line. quiet and friendly. they are good chicken pets.