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Buff Orpington/Buff Lavender Cross

Country of Origin: England

​Bird Size: 8-10 lbs

Comb Type: Pea comb

Primary Use: Dual purpose

Egg Production: 150-250 per year

Egg Size: Medium

Egg Color: Matte light brown

Temperament: very friendly

​Hardiness: Winter hardy. But be ware of frost bite

Flock Information: Ontario Line. 

Price /day old chicks: $10

Eggs $50 per dozen shipping available.

Our Flock

Our Orpington flock is from different blood lines. They like to stay together, and very friendly. They like to stay in their area, searching for bugs. they are not walking agility because of their body shape. We let our breeds free range by turns. so they can free range outside twice a week during spring and summer. All chickens free range when it is off hatching season. Regular deworm every month, treat them from mice and lice often. They are happy and healthy. Our flock is two buff Orpington roosters, two Buff hens and two lavender hens. So you might get pure breed Buff Orpintons or Buff Levender Mix.


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